January 25, 2025


Health Lasts Longer

Herbs That Help STDs

Whilst there are numerous pills and remedies available to treat the discomfort associated with STDs, some people prefer a more homeopathic approach. Pagans, Wiccans and aroma therapists alike are all convinced that STDs can be treated with herbs. I read up on the net about some of the alternative treatments out there and this is what I found.


Cat’s claw is apparently recommended for those diagnosed with Chlamydia. This is because it both enhances the immune system and has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Those who have been diagnosed with Chlamydia through STD testing are encouraged to take 500mg three times a day. However, cat’s claw should never be taken if you are pregnant or nursing and warned not to use it with blood thinners, such as aspirin.

Garlic is another prescribed remedy with some herbalists as it has strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Although if you have a hot date lined up or just want to avoid halitosis, you should ask for alternative remedies at the time of your STD testing.


Although there is no cure for herpes, it seems that sufferers can help treat their symptoms with a range of different herbs. Echinacea is recommended for its strong antiviral and astringent properties. The herb not only helps to stimulate the immune system but it has been known to soothe irritated mucous membranes. During a herpes outbreak sufferers should take Echinacea orally as recommended on the packaging. The herb is also available in liquid form and this liquid can be painted onto the lesions to help dry them out.


If during STD testing, you have been diagnosed with the incurable syphilis, you may want to look towards ancient China for a cure. The herb tufuling has been used in Chinese medicine to treat syphilis since 5 AD and it seems that modern medicine is finally beginning to take notice. If you can find a Chinese herbalist in your area then the recommended treatment is usually 250g of tufuling decocted and drunk warm 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. In a study of 30 patients, 27 of them were cured after two years of tufuling treatment. However, the acrid mixture is hard to stomach and many people find penicillin a welcome alternative.


Country Mallow is often used by herbalists to treat gonorrhoea. Patients are offered an infusion of the roots in 0.5 to 2 drachma dosages, which it is believed can help treat the vaginal imbalance with results in gonorrhoea. An alternative herb to treat the imbalance is tinospora cordifolia, a parasite which grows on the neem tree. This may be a preferential alternative as it also has antistrigent, antibacterial and antiviral properties.


According to herbalists, milk thistle is ideal for treating the post-acute and chronic stages of hepatitis. Milk thistle not only helps with fatty degeneration and cirrhosis of the liver, but hepatitis sufferers believe that it brings about an improvement in appetite and general wellbeing. Sufferers may also want to tuck into an artichoke pizza as the vegetable is known to be reliable in treating liver problems. The Australian vegetable is in the same family as the milk thistle and the dandelion and when taken together all are believed to help with the symptoms of hepatitis. However, if the disease is detected during STD testing then a more conventional prescription of interferon is recommended.

While we cannot endorse any of the treatment ideas above, for those who prefer looking for alternative solutions to their STD’s, we recommend talking to a suitable and licensed practitioner in order to get more information and advice before beginning any treatments.

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