January 20, 2025


Health Lasts Longer

How To Stay One Step Ahead Of Mental Depression: Part 2 Of 3

Let’s face it, the economy is rough, the world is in turmoil, and things are tough all over. But that’s the way it’s always been, and likely always will be. That’s life, there’s always something going on or going wrong, and the passing of 2011 isn’t going to provide a miracle that fixes this economy, so if you’re one of many depressed by your situation, you have to learn to find your own way out. This is part 2 of a 3 part series about learning how to cope with depression. In part 1, we examined causes and symptoms of depression. Now let’s see what we can do to fix the problem. By adjusting your view and developing a Positive Mental Attitude, you can develop a long-term outlook that can help you overcome any problem.

So let’s cut to the chase. Here are a few tips for making that u-turn in life so you can stay one step ahead of depression:


First and foremost, learn how to RELAX. I find the most effective activities that stimulate relaxation for me are walking, writing, dancing, soaking in a hot tub, and listening to calming music, such as sounds of nature with delicate musical instruments in the background. However, the most important way to relax is to get plenty of good sleep. There is nothing better for overall relaxation than a decent night’s sleep. But is sleep possible when we’re tensed or depressed? If we go to bed all tensed up, worried about what has to be done the next day, we will generate disturbed sleeping patterns. This will not only make us wake up aggravated and surly and may also increase our blood pressure. Meditation is great for creating quiet time to find the answers you are seeking. I always find comfort in the first line of Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” This is the supreme Bible treatment against fear. It will help you overcome any kind of difficulty if you tune yourself into the level of consciousness to which it attains. It will lift your thoughts, your vision to see beyond your needs, your circumstances, or conditions that surround you. In doing so, fear turns to courage and confidence, anxiety to calmness, despair to faith and hope. Let it be your strength, your energy, your motivation, helping you flow with life, facing each moment of each day with fresh inspiration.


Raucous or hearty laughter always seems to stand out. A good laugh is an awesome emotion. It’s contagious. Find lots of things to laugh about. It not only loosens face and body muscles and lowers blood pressure, it also boosts your energy level, making you feel better instantly. I like this statement that Bill Cosby made, “Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.” So call a friend who is fun to be with. Invite him or her over to the house to watch one of your favorite comedy movies. Or spend some time with your dog or cat, playing and giving them lots of affection. Who doesn’t enjoy watching a cat at play, chasing the ball of yarn, making you laugh? The best part of bonding with a furry friend is when they curl up in your lap, night after night, nice and peaceful, showering you with love and contentment. I guarantee you’ll start to feel better.


When one is suffering from depression, it’s not good to isolate oneself. The best thing you can do is mingle with others. One way of doing this is to become a volunteer. People who volunteer their time feel better emotionally, physically and psychologically. It is an excellent way to overcome a negative attitude. It diverts your attention from the focus of your worries, putting it on the needs of someone else. A volunteer is a happy person who can accomplish extraordinary things. Once you get started, you’ll be surprised at how much artistic talent you will find within you. Volunteering will build your self-worth, your self-esteem and your confidence. Your social life will improve because you will develop new friends. It’s great for relieving anxiety and stress, helping you maintain a positive frame of mind. The best part is that you’ll have fun.

Now that you’re in a better frame of mind and your spirits are lifted, we can get to the nit-gritty: How do you deal with the financial dilemma you are in? In part 3 of this 3 part series, we’ll examine things you can do to fight your fixation on your financial situation, helping you overcome depression once and for all.

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