Nopalea Wellness Challenge – An In Depth Look
Do you feel pain? Do you deal with inflammation regularly? Inflammation in itself is fairly normal. But when it persists and chronic inflammation sets it, then you have a problem. Chronic inflammation usually leads to a more serious disease and treatment is not guaranteed.
TriVita, a company that offers a wide range of supplements, created Nopalea. Nopalea is a wellness drink made from Nopal cactus found in the Sonoran Desert. It contains Betalain, a strong anti-oxidant that is known for its healing powers. The Nopal plant is commonly eaten and is regularly part of the Mexican cuisine. Health benefits from betalains include an increase of energy, protection against fluid retention, protection against premature aging, and detoxification of our body.
Chronic inflammation has been called the “secret killer” because of the diseases that results from it. To prevent inflammation, the Nopalea Drink is suggested to be part of your daily diet. Processed in a state of the art facility, the freshest Nopal cactus is combined with naturally sweet Agave nectar to produce one of the best tasting wellness drinks. They are juiced and mixed with other all natural ingredients to ensure a healthy and powerful mixture. You too can try the health benefits of Nopalea. Take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and see for yourself.
What is the Nopalea Wellness Challenge? How will it benefit you and your wellness? The Nopalea Wellness Challenge is for everyone, to prove that Nopalea works. It is a 30 day challenge to let you feel the powers of Nopalea Health drink. Before starting, you must read “The Secret Killer Health Alert” to know how chronic inflammation can lead to serious diseases and then follow these steps in taking this wellness challenge:
Drink 3 ounces of chilled Nopalea twice a day or a total of 6 ounces per day. This is called the Loading Phase where it will help your body control inflammation through the detoxification process.
Fill out the Nopalea Challenge form or Health Assessment Questionnaire form to track your before and after results. This form is included when you buy your first Nopalea order. The Secret Killer Health Alert is also included here. It is important to track your progress since there are times that changes are not noticeable unless you document the results.
Share your Nopalea experience to friends, relatives and people who you feel may benefit from the Nopalea drink.
In taking the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, it is important that you follow through to see and feel the results within 30 days. This will ensure the effectiveness of this powerful drink. Please be reminded that Nopalea is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure diseases. It is important to consult your healthcare provider first especially if you are pregnant, nursing or is taking other medicines for illness.