Depression and Adrenal Exhaustion
Depression is not a new disease but there are still a lot that is unknown about the exact diagnosis and treatment of the disorder. Depression can be difficult to distinguish due to the various symptoms. Adrenal fatigue, reactive hypoglycemia and chronic fatigue syndrome are all very uncommon disorders that can cause depression. Most people have probably never heard of these disorders. Many physicians do not even understand their exact relationship to depression.
The adrenal glands are located over your kidneys. The adrenal glands are responsible for secreting a variety of hormones. Common hormones are epinephrine, testosterone and cortisol. When individuals are under extreme stress adrenal fatigue can occur.
Stress can be brought on due to financial trouble or the loss of a loved one. If stress levels remain high continuously the adrenal gland can begin to slow down production. If the gland slows down less cortisol is produced. The main stress hormone in the body is known as cortisol.
This decrease in cortisol level and the body’s inability to keep up with the stress level can cause adrenal fatigue. A few problems that can occur are extreme tiredness, sever exhaustion and low stamina. Individuals also generally feel unable to cope with any stressful situation that may arise and overall depressed. Some people also have problems with low blood pressure and digestion. The disorder may be reversed by adding vitamins and other healthy supplements to your diet in order to enhance your health. Doctors may also recommend hormone supplements. Other helpful tips include regular exercise, minimizing salt and caffeine stimulants and reducing stress levels.
Hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar drops too low. When your body’s blood sugar repeatedly drops down too low all the time especially after consuming carbohydrates this is generally referred to as reactive hypoglycemia. Excessive insulin is produced and this over production causes the sugar levels in the body to drop drastically. Some people experience symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness or lightheadedness. In addition they may also be extremely irritable and suffer from headaches, tremors and depression.
This disorder does have some simple treatment options you can try. Most physicians recommend that patients eat a small meal or snack at least every 3 hours and exercise regularly. Stick to low glycemic index foods and limit sugar and carbs in your daily diet. Expand our diet and include healthy meats, poultry and fish. In some cases our physician may prescribe medicine that helps to stabilize insulin levels.
In many cases your doctor may not diagnose you with chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue does have many of the same symptoms as adrenal fatigue and reactive hypoglycemia. Just as the name says, if you suffer from this disorder you probably experience severe fatigue. Muscle aches and pains, headaches and restless sleep are also common symptoms. Some people have problems with night sweats and nausea.
Your doctor may try and treat you with depression medication but in some cases he may offer you other options. Most patients are encouraged to exercise and establish a healthy sleep pattern. Special medicines may help with joint pain and problematic headaches. Each disorder can cause depression but many people can benefit more from lifestyle changes rather than depression medicine. The common drugs used to treat depression may not always help these problems.